

Dec 2010 TRV-005 was displayed for the first time in the Far East by our Sales / Distributors Booth (ROVSCO) at OSEA 2010 in Singapore. The interest generated was extremely positive. Due to this response, the components required to turn this particular TRV-005 into fully operational status will be sent to Singapore immediately. This will allow ROVSCO to actually demo the...

June 2013 Montco Order Another TRV-M

Submersible Systems has received an order from Montco, based out of Galliano, Louisiana for another TRV-M System. This new TRV-M System will be a duplicate of the TRV-M currently operating from the Montco L/B Robert and will be mobilized and permanently stationed on board the new sister ship L/B Jill which is scheduled for completion early 2014. The new TRV-M System will...

Jan 2012

Underwater Intervention 2012 Submersible Systems, Inc. will be showing our TRV's in booth 739/741 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Jan 24 - 26. We look forward to seeing you.


July / Sept 2011 For what has been an exceptionally busy few months, SSI has jumped from one job to another, utilizing both TRV-005's, TRV-M and the TRV-HD. Looks as though the word is really getting out about the TRV performance and reliabilty. The worked included Platform Installations, Target Recoveries for the Navy, Tendon Inspections, general Platform Inspections and Surveys. April /...

2012 – Hunt For Amelia Earhart’s Plane

Update:  Watch us on the Discovery Channel's documentary  "Finding Amelia Earhart: Mystery Solved?" airing on August 19, 2012. Submersible Systems' personnel and its TRV-005 & TRV-M are involved in the search for Amelia Earhart's Plane. Below are a few links to the project. Tighar - The Earheart Project . Finding The Plane - Daily Reports Delivering History: The search...

TRV-005 Sent to Trinidad

Submersible Systems Inc. TRV-005 has been sent down to Trinidad to undertake FMD work and general Platform Inspections including C.P. readings and Sonar on behalf of EOG. Commencement of the EOG contract is early July 2013. The TRV-005 was selected due to it's high current handling characteristics, stability and small footprint.

TRV-005 creates yet another First

TRV-005 has just returned to Submersible Systems facility in Patterson after completing 100% of the FMD readings required by EOG, the first time this has ever been accomplished by an ROV. 5 Platforms in Trinidad were Inspected, working in current exceeding 3 - 4 knots the TRV-005 gained access to all locations, effortlessly.